October 12, 1999
So this was the week that Ford did very little. True. But at the same time, this is the week that Ford got to do a lot. The best thing about not having a major storyline running through the show is that you get to show up and make jokes. Since the plot never called for my input or presence, whenever I did open my mouth, it was usually to say something funny. That was great. And truth be told, I did have one pivotal, advice-giving scene, so I got to be the voice of reason for two minutes as well.
episode turned out to be two completely different episodes occurring
simultaneously. I had no scenes with Suzanne and almost none with
David as they were off dealing with the gallery opening. Their
adventures involved the crazy artist, Sven, and were very slapstick
and ridiculous. Meanwhile, on the other side of Brooklyn, Hunter and
Chloe were going through some major growing pains. They had a
fantastic fight scene at the end of the first act that during one
take almost broke my heart.
I just hope the two vastly different plots can augment each other.
It's hard to go for serious moments in sitcoms and have them pay off.
And I don't know if it helps or hurts to have a guy dropping his
pants in the other scenes. If all of the pieces of this episode fall
into place, it could be another one of the great ones. I am anxious
to see it all put together.