Bowling Ball -- October 16
Next up on the 'inside circuit' was this charity event. Lisa and I gave our donation and treated ourselves to a night of bowling, tarot card reading, burger eating, beer drinking, karaoke-singing, video game playing fun.
The charity is On Your Feet and they offer financial assistance and housing help for those people and families who are homeless and impoverished. They have 'self-sufficiency programs,' whcih include counseling, job assistance, and money management services.
This evening they secured the Corbin Bowl bowling alley in Tarzana
for a full-scale game-playing extravaganza. There were quite a few
people there and it all seemed pretty fun. Of course, my fix to the
whole event is that you have to generate competition. C'mon,
where's that fighting spirit? I mean, we're all TV people from
different networks. Can anyone say, "Battle of the Network Stars?"
It seemed so obvious to me. But instead, Lisa nad I bowled a little
with David and his friends, not getting a chance to beat the West Wing,
even on the lanes.