March 27, 1998
The signs were in place for a good audition...
I went golfing this morning with J.P. and a friend of his and they put a fourth with us, an elderly gentleman from New York. Turns out he has already auditioned for this pilot and is testing next week. Weird.
While waiting to audition this evening, the one other actor still waiting to audition says to me, "Were you on Frasier recently?" I confirm his suspicion. "As, like, a waiter?" "Yeah, that was me." "Wow! You really did a fantastic job. I was watching with my wife and I told her, 'That guy's going to have his own series, I bet.' You were just right on." Good for the psyche to hear that before an audition.
Today is my sister Ellen's birthday.
So, yes the planets were aligned today. And the reading itself went exceptionally well. The writer was in the room and laughed at just about every line I said. It felt good and I love the part. The personality is a combination of Mary Ducey & me, the family dynamics are well-written and funny, and I think I probably look the part, late 20s and self-confident. It depends who the rest of the family is, of course. The writer responded enthusiastically upon the completion of my reading with "Fantastic!" and "You nailed it!" Good things to hear.
The word is back already that they want me to test next week. And it was confirmed that the writer is keen on me for the role. Now what?
Well, we've been here once before. Once. And the phrase 0-for-1 leaps to mind, a big 0-for. The previous test is infamous to all regular website readers (i.e. my mom & dad). It was for Carly and it was for shit, pardon my French. Replace "fantastic" and "you nailed it" with "paralyzed" and "not funny" and you've got the two most diametrically opposed responses I have had in this business. And while I need to avoid the mistakes of last time, I probably need more not to dwell on the mistakes of last time. I must maintain that healthy, confident attitude. They need me to have it so they feel comfortable hiring me. And I need to have it to finish this baby off.