Football Pool
Week Eleven
"...and back to Buffalo again." --Fenton
Aahhhh, changing your pick. Is there anything more grueling?
With 8 of this week's top 9 picks spreading wins and joy throughout the
pool, the odds this week were that you'd end up with a winner. Unless,
of course, Buffalo was your final stop. 13 hits from Buffalo plus 4 others
resulted in a nice quiet week in the pool. Refreshing on the heels of
"Upset Sunday."
Current standings...
00 LOSS -- 3 Janets
01 LOSS -- 26 Jermaines
02 LOSS -- 70 LaToyas
03 LOSS -- 292 Michaels
Keep that winning feeling. Just keep it to yourself.
Pool birthdays...
11/25 Kathy (Dickshot) Kamakaiwi