Football Pool Week Seventeen "First time I've ever picked the Bengals." --Jenks~C (RIP) No matter how crazy a season becomes, the Bengals can still be the Bungles, just when a lot of people are counting on them to rise up. Well, get back down there, Bengals. Your day has not yet come. "[gulp]" Pick: Minnesota--White~Twins Amidst the carnage of the Bengals' playoff hopes, the Vikings' playoff hopes, and the Rams' self-respect, 25 hits were leveled on the remaining pool contestants. That's nearly 2 out of every 3. No one ever said Week 17 would be easy. Heading into the playoffs, this is how we look: Rules for everybody, first- and second-chancers alike:
As you know, you keep the same number of losses as we enter the playoffs in the big pool. Over in the 2nd-Chance pool, it's one loss and you're out. Tie-breaker submissions will be accepted prior to the Championship weekend. The Ducey~A pick will be made by midnight Thursday and posted on the board. The Ducey~E pick will have to wait until Friday morning, unfortunately, since Ducey~E is not available until then. Ducey |
Week 17 Pick Totals | Players
Remaining: 39
Total Hits: 25
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