Football Pool
Week 10 Pick Totals |
Remaining: 398
Total Hits: 118 |
After many weeks without the big upset, there is finally
something to quote about...
"Should I be worried that Brad Johnson might be
better than Culpepper?" [NY Giants] --Taylor~G
No. Turns out you shouldn't. You should worry that Eli
Manning might be worse than Peyton Manning. And you should worry that freak
occurances can turn an easy win into a devastating loss.
"I want it on the record: Watch the GIANT blood-bath." [Chicago]--Ramsden~C
Those lucky enough to go with the crowd stayed on top.
Lots of Bear-lovers watched the longest play in NFL history lift an otherwise
lethargic wind-blown Chicago team to victory.
"I'm tired of the slow trickle to the graveyard.
I hope it picks up!" [NY Giants] --Munoz
Careful what you wish for. Munoz found himself one step
closer to the Graveyard this week, and 40 more people entered it.
Current standings...
00 LOSS -- 43 Tornados
01 LOSS -- 157 Gales
02 LOSS -- 158 Breezes
03 LOSS -- 180 Butterfly Wings Beating
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