Players Remaining |
164 |
279 |
90 |
Pick Totals / Update for Week 6
"The NY Football Giants couldn't possibly screw me, could they?" --Barley~S
"LT, Don't screw me!!!!" --Witty~J
"First the Chargers, then the Packers lose at home. I am screwed." --Balck
There's a lot of screwing going on out there, or at least a serious fear of it. Where has personal responsibility gone? It takes two to get screwed, you know. One to screw and one to allow to get screwed. Stand up for yourself out there. Do not put your screwing fate in the hands of the National Football League!
"Screw your courage to the sticking place." --Lady MacBeth
Meanwhils, another peaceful week at the Ducey Pool. A little trouble for Chicago, a little trouble for Arizona and Seattle out west, but by and large an all-skate pass to Week Seven.
Current Standings...
00 LOSS -- 149 Vodka Martinis
01 LOSS -- 226 Screwdrivers
02 LOSS -- 128 Shots of Stoli
03 LOSS -- 64 Rubbing Alcohol
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