Football Pool |
Players Remaining | ||
Losses 2 |
Loss 53 |
Losses 90 |
Pick Totals / Update for Playoffs Week 2
"Bal. That's short for balls." [Baltimore] --Heefner
Balls? Yes. Win? No.
"If I keep picking against my Jets, maybe I can get them to the Superbowl!" [San Diego] --Stendardi
So all this is Stendardi's fault!! After a quiet weekend of favorites man-handling underdogs, the mighty Jets rose up again and dismantled the hottest team in the AFC. Perhaps Rex Ryan was right when he said his team should be the favorite to win it all.
We have dropped to one leader. After all the ground covered by the bandwagon this season, devastation has finally settled in for the playoffs. Could one person walk away with all the loot? Waiting below Huber is a sea of hands hoping to catch a big split jackpot if Huber cannot hold on.
00 LOSS -- 1 Huber
01 LOSS -- 26 Huber Haters
02 LOSS -- 63 Trying to get their entry fee back
03 LOSS -- 528 Expired
No Pick | ||
0 | 0 | 4 |
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