Football Pool |
Players Remaining | ||
Losses 25 |
Loss 70 |
Losses 96 |
Pick Totals & Updates for Week 16
As of Sunday Night...
"Com'on Philly, lose! Let me back in!" [Miami] --Priggins (RIP)
Not gonna matter.
"My only hope is to make this pick and hope the Vikes win. Christmas Miracle?" [St Louis] --Young~F
Might could matter.
Weird week this Week 16. It is unusual enough that there is a Tuesday football game. (Last Tuesday NFL game: October 1, 1946, New York Giants vs. Boston Yanks, believe it or not.) But this particular Tuesday football game, unlike the Giants/Yanks match-up of '46, has a heavily-loaded Ducey Pool bandwagon riding into it, including every remaining undefeated player. If Philly goes down, only 17 people will have made a correct pick this weekend! So much is riding on a post-prison Michael Vick out-slinging a pre-nursing-home Brett Favre. So much action! So much that can change in one game. On a TUESDAY! If Philly wins, the standings below will remain unchanged. If Philly loses, carnage.
Vick, Favre, Primetime Tuesday. Did someone say Christmas Miracle?
Tuesday Night Update...
"Com'on Philly, lose! Let me back in!" [Miami] --Priggins (RIP)
"Time for the wheels to fall off the bandwagon." [Houston] --Taylor~G (RIP)
Right idea. Wrong execution.
"My only hope is to make this pick and hope the Vikes win. Christmas Miracle?" [St Louis] --Young~F
That's the ticket.
Not since 1946 has the NFL played a game on a Tuesday, and not since ever has there been such a massive collapse in the Ducey Pool. Out of 191 remaining players, only 16 people made a winning pick! Less than 9%! Nothing previous even comes close. It's as if a massive wave came and washed everyone down a notch.
That being said, if you were a leader last week, you are still a leader this week. You just have one loss instead of zero, and you are one out of 30 instead of one out of 25. Yes, "One Loss" is the new "No Losses."
"So this is what it's like to make it to week 16 :)" [Philadelphia] --Goldstein~J (RIP)
Sorry, Goldstein, you will have to wait until next year to experience Week 17 and beyond. In fact, if you had two losses in the pool as of last week, you are now likely out. Only 11 people survived the mass extinction at the bottom. That just means more people have access to the Second Chance Pool. It starts right after Week 17 ends. (Click on the "2nd" above for details.)
And so suddenly it looks like this...
00 LOSS-- 0 Perfection
01 LOSS -- 30 Good Enough
02 LOSS -- 76 Still Alive
03 LOSS -- 566 Done
No Pick | ||
0 | 0 | 1 |
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