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Pick Totals for Week 2
"Not taking a chance this week. Every game looks like a coin toss." [New England] --Stroup
Should have taken your chances with the coin.
"Week Two. Still a virgin!" [New England] --Mini
"I am completely and fully hitched to the bandwagon this week. Yee haw!" [New England] --Balck
For those new to the Ducey Pool, the bandwagon is the team that everyone likes, and many seasons that bandwagon has gotten off to a rip-roaring start. Last year, it was solid until the Giants in week five. In 2010, you could ride the bandwagon all the way to week THIRTEEN!! This year, the wagon crashed early. And in nail-biting, "think you're gonna lose, think you're gonna come back, think you're gonna lose, think you've won, think you're still gonna win, then you lose" fashion. I know. I went through all those emotions today myself, dammit.
Current Standings:
00 LOSS: 312 Undefeated
01 LOSS: 422 Slightly Defeated
02 LOSS: 33 Mostly Defeated
03 LOSS: 0 (For now)
"Glad it's not Week Three yet!" [New England] --Denninger
It is now. I hope you have a better plan this week.
And as you make that plan, remember the rules:
Do not repeat a pick during the regular season. The website will NOT stop you from making that mistake.
Do not miss the pick deadline of 9am Sunday. It is firm.
And keep in mind as you plan the next 15 weeks, you have to pick a game being played on Sunday or Monday during the regular season. NO Thursday games. (And yes, this can make Thanksgiving weekend a tough one.)
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