Players Remaining |
170 |
238 |
160 |
Pick Totals for Week 6
"Seems like a waste of Denver, but what the bandwagon wants, the bandwagon gets." [Denver] --Baldy
No win is a waste, right?
"This seemed like the safest pick outside of Denver, which I'll save for later..." [Seattle] --Stroup
Or maybe saving Denver is good. Only time will tell.
"This is like a bye week in the Ducey Pool!" [Denver] --Holland
It sure felt like a bye week. Not only did Denver roll over the Jags, but San Fran, KC, and Seattle all played well. Only the 2-3 Texans continued their losing streak and took a small chunk out of the pool. Stay away from those losing teams, people! You know, until that one moment when they're suddenly going to play well. Then pick them. And you will be victorious.
Current Standings
00 LOSS -- 161 Bosses
01 LOSS -- 234 Assistants
02 LOSS -- 153 Temps
03 LOSS -- 94 Downsized
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