Ducey Pool
Players Remaining |
600-ish |
0 |
0 |
Pick Totals for Week 1
"I think it's better to take KC earlier than later." [Kansas City] --Stroup
Or C. Don't take KC at all.
This just in, NFL games have two halves. That was great news for the hundreds of people who picked Philly this weekend. Not such great news if you picked New Orleans or New England.
"1, 2, Chi, chi, chi... 3, 4, Chi, chi, chi..." [Chicago] --Dederick~J
5, 6, Oh, my, God. Certainly the biggest upset of the week was Jay Cutler turning in another magical performance against the visiting Buffalo Bills, who won for the first time ever in Chicago. First win for them, first loss for many. Tough to start off with a Week One loss, but we have had a previous winner who took a loss in Week One, so don't give up hope yet.
We have 550 official entries in and paid for. Still expecting to land around 600. Until all of the checks arrive, the most accurate standings I can offer are thusly:
Current Standings
00 LOSS -- 460-ish in First Place
01 LOSS -- 140-ish
in a tie for 461st-ish Place
Glad to be back underway defending my 1/11th of the title!!