Ducey Pool
Players Remaining |
11 |
83 |
152 |
Pick Totals for Week 12
"This pick was so easy, it must be a trap." [Indianapolis] --Stroup
The only trap this weekend was on Thursday night and the rules saved a lot of people, I'm sure.
After the devastation of last weekend, this weekend produced very little damage. Three losing picks total. No leaders took a hit. Is it the calm before the storm? Or is it the new state of things? It sure seems like if you can pick against the Jags or Jets the rest of the way, it's a free ride to the playoffs.
"If I win the booby & main prize, do I get my initials permanently inscribed on a spinning skull?" --Garrity~S
Nobody gets an award of any kind for winning with two losses! Show some pride, people!! (Also, if the winner emerges from the two-loss board, the booby prize disappears.)
Current Standings
00 LOSS -- 11 Eagles
01 LOSS -- 81 Vultures
02 LOSS -- 150 Sparrows
03 LOSS -- 376 Dodos
"In honor of your show, I am becoming a Bad Judge of risk with my pick." --Jenks~C
Thanks for all the support of the show! We are off until December 11 when we air our very special Christmas episode. Heat Wave Christmas! What could be better?