Ducey Pool
Players Remaining |
6 |
30 |
73 |
Pick Totals for Playoffs Week 1
"Nine years in the pool, 1st time in the playoffs. It's an honor just to be here." [Arizona] --Baldy (RIP)
He wasn't ready.
Only one upset during Wild Card Weekend, and no leaders picked the Steelers. That leaves six players still fighting for a piece of the final prize. Can at least one of them stay undefeated through to the end?
Over in the 2nd-Chance Pool, players were a bit more daring. Lots of early damage. Still waiting for checks to arrive, but if you HAVE sent one, then this is the week to make your Bonus Pick. Pick an additional Week Two winner (that you won't need to pick again later). Click on the "2nd" above for more details.
Current Standings
00 LOSS -- 6 Tanks
01 LOSS -- 26 Jeeps
02 LOSS -- 60 Side Cars
03 LOSS -- 526 Scrap Metal
Important: The deadline moves to Saturday at 12:30pm PST for the playoffs!!