Ducey Pool
Players Remaining |
35 |
504 |
42 |
Pick Totals for Week 4
"Switching from Indy to GB. Last-minute switches always win, right?" [Green Bay] --Rosenthal~J
Yes they always do!!!
"Switching from Indy to Arizona." [Arizona] --Taylor
Well, maybe not always.
"In Rex we trust." [Buffalo] --Kahl
Unfortunately, Sexy Rexy lost the intrastate battle to Da Bomb Tom Coughlin. Between the Bills and Cardinals, the pool took its "usual" hit, for the first time since Week One. Are things possibly returning to normal?
And remember people, you can't pick the same team twice. And the Picks Page will not stop you from doing so. It is one the quirks of the pool and even the most seasoned veteran can fall prey to it. This week, two people got bit by a repeat, including an undefeated player, leaving 24 unblemished instead of 25. Be careful out there!
Current Standings
00 LOSS -
24 El Ninos
01 LOSS - 409 Winter Storms
02 LOSS - 138 Sprinkles
03 LOSS - 15 Droughts