Ducey Pool
Players Remaining |
12 |
251 |
255 |
Pick Totals for Week 6
"Help me, 12th Man. You're my only hope." [Seattle] --Kirby (RIP)
Unfortunately, the force did not awaken in Seattle.
"Now eligible for the Booby Prize!" [Seattle] --Carpentieri (RIP)
Now not.
"The Washington Football Team is terrible." [NY Jets] --Gold
See, all it takes is a little cultural sensitivity and you walk away a winner.
It was a rough weekend for the West Coast. Arizona and Seattle both dropped the ball, and dropped our leaderboard from 12 down to 11. Lots of players below them hoping this unpredictable season will hit the rest of those leaders before too long.
"Can we have a Ducey Second-Half Second-Chance Pool?" --Moniz
Sorry to the over 100 players out and the many more to come. The Second Chance Pool will remain a Playoff Pool as always. If you exit the pool early, just remember to come back once the season ends for one more shot at glory.
Current Standings
00 LOSS -
11 Clintons
01 LOSS - 228 Sanders
02 LOSS - 231 Webbs
03 LOSS - 116 Bidens
"Watching SNF with the wife. She noticed a familiar face in the Hulu commercial." --Birch~K
'Tis true. Your Ducey Pool Commissioner has been tapped to sell some Hulu subscriptions. Can't think of a better place to do it than primetime football. Remember, we care about you as much as you care about TV.