2016 Ducey Pool

Players Remaining
No Losses
One Loss
Two Losses

Pick Totals for Week 9

The NFC North had some hiccups this weekend. Too R-E-L-A-X-E-D. Aaron Rodgers and the Packers looked like they had election fatigue slowing them down, and the Vikings went from undefeated world-beater to losing-streak disappointment.

"Second loss in Week 8? Boob Prize, here I come!" --Jaffa Jr.

Don't forget there are other ways to win a little Ducey Pool action without winning the Ducey Pool. The Booby Prize is still in effect. If you get two losses, stay alive through the Superbowl and you could get some green. You just have to be the person who stayed alive the most weeks. Lose early, but don't lose often.

The other way is the Second Chance Pool. Last year, it started in Week 13 instead of starting in the playoffs. That's because over 500 people were eliminated by Week 11. This year is looking like a possible Week 15 start. It allows for the pool to not need a tie-breaker. And while no one likes ties, no one should have their fate decided by a point-total tie-breaker. Too random.

But enough about that. Get out there and vote. And then get back in here and win the whole damn Ducey Pool. Make Yourself Great Again.

Kansas City
29 57 45
25 48 54
Green Bay
18 42 32
7 8 9
4 10 6
San Diego
3 9 4
New Orleans
3 6 8
0 2 2
0 1 3
Los Angeles
0 0 1

No Pick
1 1 1

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