"Fly, Eagles, fly!" [Philadelphia] --Kirby
They did.
"Steel, Steelers, steel!"
Not a saying.
"I hope it's the pits for everyone other than Pittsburgh!" [Pittsburgh] --Dederick~J
The bandwagon was full of pits this weekend, including the poor Steelers. I don't know what's worse, losing a Ducey Pool game in the final seconds, or watching your pick play terribly for three straight hours. They both hurt in their own special ways.
"Maybe the hardest week of my Ducey Pool career." [Pittsburgh] --Silver~C
You may need to seek a different career path.
"I've made all common, popular picks, but only two others have the same sequence as me." [Pittsburgh] --Gheen
And yet, many others have losses just like you. The ranks of the undefeated dropped to only 101 players this weekend. So, if you're staring at a loss or two in your track record, don't give up hope yet.
"Brutal. Wallowing in worthless picks and waiting for the Second Chance Pool after Week 5." --Marshall~TG (RIP)
If you are already staring at three losses in your track record, I got nothing for you. Except the possibility of redemption in the end-of-season Second Chance Pool. We have been starting the Second Chance Pool as early as Week 15 the past couple years, so check back in December to take one more shot at glory.
Two final notes:
1. There were 9 repeat picks this weekend. Be careful, people. That's not allowed!!
2. The Browns suck. (0-and-3 against the Colts, Bengals, and Jets. Seriously?) |