"First time in my life betting against Big Blue. Sad times." [Denver] --Silver~M
Sad times indeed. Big Blue took a collection of back-up players and stunned the Broncos at home to send the bandwagon off the cliff for the second week in a row.
"Scissors cut paper. Paper covers rock. Falcons beat Dolphins." [Atlanta] --Taylor~G
Not this year. Paper wraps scissors. Rock breaks through paper. And Dolphins outsmart Falcons behind the brains and brawn of Jay Freakin' Cutler. Add Cutler's previous team to the list of upsets and this was a brutal week.
"If I lose this one, I don't know what I'm gonna do with myself." [Houston] --Silver~C
Luckily a smart group of people remembered that the Browns don't understand how to win.
We're down to 41 undefeated with lots of season left to play. Those 41 have established themselves as the front runners. But they can't ride the Browns every week. What weeks will separate the women from the girls?
For the 143 eliminated players, plus the many who will join them, check back in December for the Second Chance Pool. It will definitely start before season end. |